Aug 13Liked by .,¤°✿princess babygirl

wonderful essay. very relatable. this reminded me of the consistent feeling of emerging from and into a dissociative state.

and this having much to do with the allure of rapid fixes through "gimmicks" and the commodification of identity that is constantly within the pressure cooker. we/i often face these moments of dissociation because of the tension between authentic self-exploration and the performative identities that our contemporary culture often demands.

the difficulty is (even during the moments of escape from disassociation) we continually witness the erasure of our potentially discovered authentic self.

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You're so right about the concept of marketability and personhood. Thanks for this.

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Aug 12Liked by .,¤°✿princess babygirl

Stunning, you never fail to hit the nail on its head.

There’s something sad about the loss of personhood that comes with gimmicking oneself, wherein the true self is present in some aspect or another ( e.i the desire to create, a love of beauty, a need for control) gets warped for the sake of sales (both in monetary and social currency.)

As always, your work leaves me reflecting. Thank you!!

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Aug 12Liked by .,¤°✿princess babygirl

i agree with every single word in this essay. you nailed it when you discussed the performance that comes into play when assigning oneself or working to fit into a specific gimmick or aesthetic. such a wonderful piece from an incredible writer💓

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Poor women are caught in a trap of spiraling insecurity.

Females have a profound insecurity problem. Not that males don't fight this battle but I think it's a much bigger problem for women.

It starts with needing a physical image. The makeup that must be applied but it goes much deeper in ways that I think are more subconscious than realized. Women are in intense constant competition.

Many have their claws sharpened for attack. Those most skilled and revered on this battlefield are most devoid of true security and inwardly suffer. They are shiny balloons that will deflate instantly with a mere pinprick of eternal reality.

I believe the answer is finding security in God's perfect acceptance. The only source of unconditional love and forgiveness and the only hope for transformation into what is truly and eternally beautiful. It is a transformation of the soul which comes with a recognition that while these bodies are an amazing gift, some more lovely to the eye than others, they are a vapor that does not reflect in any way our true value or warrant the focus and effort we put into optimizing their appearance.

I wish for women to be less ensnared by the industry that profits from this superficial distraction. The industry offers nothing of real value. It is all about gimmicks.

The author has wiped away some of the fog that obscures this sickness. I wish for all to understand the only escape from becoming a gimmick.

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