Apr 21Liked by .,¤°✿princess babygirl

I have never listened to a podcast on Substack before but for some reason, as I laid in my bed eating gummy bears, I listened to your podcast nonstop and related to it a lot.

I, too, am finding it a battle to decide what to publish on Substack and what I want to get paid and publish elsewhere. I like the idea of “owning” more significant pieces on here as I build an audience but that often comes without the financial validation of a check. I think what I’ll do is continue to use my substack for cultural commentary / audience building and seek external gigs for my fiction… who knows. If you figure out an approach, let me know.

Also — it sucks being plagiarized. A large publication did it to me last month and it was so disheartening bc I didn’t want to be seen as the Black guy popping off at this white (or white passing, idk) editor online when they could just deny it. Luckily Substack stepped in and emailed them directly. This — and for other initiatives like my fiction writing — is why I want an agent so it’s not just me taking on Big Publishing alone. How did you find your agent? Did you query?

I do love the idea of a podcast. Maybe I’ll experiment with it on some of my posts. I like speaking as much as I like writing. Even more, maybe.

Thanks for sharing. I’ll be looking out for the zine 🎀

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Not my first rodeo re: plagiarism, so I don’t care that much…not enough to confront it head-on. I don’t think confrontation looks good on me, anyway. I feel like passive-aggression can suffice here because I have bigger fish to fry. As for agents…they eventually start coming to you. Don’t go with the first one who reaches out. If I did that I would be very sad right now. I suppose you can query them but I don’t know many writers who have taken that route. Most of the time they just get set up with someone through a friend. Don’t be afraid to do that, just make sure your friend actually likes you.

The approach I am taking re: publishing on Substack is one that I am bound to keep modifying as I develop more awareness around my whole deal. I didn’t mention this, but so much of the paid post will in fact be free. I want to entice people to subscribe by leaving them wanting more. We’ll see if that works!

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“even the writers who are like 12-years-old lol.” 😭😭😭😭😭

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