BEEN waiting for this moment, welcome princess baby girl <3

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Your writing is an entire universe. Grateful.

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we need u so bad! xo

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wow... only way I can describe your writing is resonant- it's like the ringing of a crystal cup.

"I don’t want to be a spectacle, if I can help it, because I know I already am, that there is an audience baked into my experience"- a line not meant for me but putting into words something I've wrestled with for years. Thank you for sharing!

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Omg, this is one of the most eloquent, articulate pieces of writing that I've read this year. Your writing style is just so comforting. P.s. Jessica DeFino(idk how to @ in substack), thank you for the recommendation

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thank you!!

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It's evident that your writing possess a remarkable ability to articulate complex ideas with a unique sense of vulnerability. Keep up the excellent work, and I look forward to reading more!

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I've reread this at least three times, really love it.

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ty bron 🦋💕

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This is such gorgeous writing and articulates something I almost noticed in the world and couldn't put to words. Well done!

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